Gippslandia Issue #19 — Language Edition

June 29, 2021

Yep! Gippslandia issue #19 is out and about, and if it magically finds its way into your tote bag after an arvo trip down the street, or somehow comfortably tucked under your arm as you walk away with your morning coffee, don’t be deterred. It wants to be read, and you want to read it. Hugging the theme of ‘language’, each article speaks for itself. Whether it be verbal or visual, native or narrative, words on paper or on walls, everyone has something to say, and we all say it differently, that is, if we even say it at all.

This issue, some of our very own TVFH family, the visionaries that brought Gippslandia to life, had some things to say on the matter. Through words, art, illustration and photography you can find sprinkles of our team throughout the pages. These articles include;

Language as a Time Machine — Text, John Calabro

Potato / Potarto — Text & Photography, Si Billam

Wear – Words — Concept & Art Direction: Si Billam — Photography: Andrew Northover — Styling, Shredding & Logistics: Rachel Smith

Special shout out to our lovely model — Caroline Beuth.

Check them out. We hope you love it!

Find a hard copy in your local stores and cafes, or visit to read more.